A new freedom

This convention will be about a new freedom and we will be celebrating 25 years of C.A in Holland

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Welcome to the NH Hotel

This will be the location of the dutch C.A Convention, it is a fancy hotel located near the beach. Tons of room to talk about your recovery, we are not alone!


Friday - Sunday 15 - 17 August, 2025


NH Hotel, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.


To celebrate C.A Holland being 25 years old and experiencing unity with one another.

C.A brothership

In C.A we care about the safety and well-being of our fellows, everybody has the right to feel safe and included. This convention is not exclusive to any C.A member, if you wanna come you can.

COMING SOON, Thanks for your patience.

Frequently asked questions

Feel the spirit

Already feeling the convention spirit but still have some questions? Lets not ruin the spirit and give you answers straight away, after all we dont like waiting 😉

Shortly after ordering you will receive an e-mail with all the information you should know and ofcourse your e-ticket.

Well ofcourse we have the main theme, wich is a new freedom. But we also can’t forget the quarter of a century existance of CA in The Netherlands. This is why whe have that as a sub-theme
This is all available to view inside the schedule of the convention on this website.

We have an amazing Fellow2Fellow fund that has some tickets available if you are not able to afford a ticket to the convention, their email adress is: fellow2fellowconventie@gmail.com

Contact Us

Questions? Ask them here

Dear fellow, if you have any questions you can enter the form below and a team member will get back to you as soon as possible.